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Double-Sided Sidewalk Sign, Outdoor Use, 24" x 36" - Red

Our pavement sign with header is a great advertising solution, ideal for displaying event notices, promotions, and your latest advertisements, as well as directing guest traffic inside or outside your establishment. Made of a durable aluminum frame with a powder-coated finish, each double-sided sidewalk display easily withstands inclement weather conditio…
Our pavement sign with header is a great advertising solution, ideal for displaying event notices, promotions, and your latest advertisements, as well as directing guest traffic inside or outside your establishment. Made of a durable aluminum frame with a powder-coated finish, each double-sided sidewalk display easily withstands inclement weather conditions without compromising graphic inserts. This pavement sign with header features a 24" x 36" signage holder on each side that, when paired with eye-catching artwork, will be sure to grab the attention of passersby coming from both directions. Coordinating posters and magnetic topper accessory (sold separately) can be easily swapped out as your advertising needs change over time. This pavement sign with header has a lightweight build and collapsible design that allows it to be easily repositioned or stored away at the end of the day. The snap-edge frames on each outdoor advertising stand use a non-glare clear Lexan lens to protect graphics from harmful inside and outside elements. Draw attention to your storefront with this double-sided sidewalk display that will increase brand awareness and provide maximum visibility of your advertising today!
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Our pavement sign with header is a great advertising solution, ideal for displaying event notices, promotions, and your latest advertisements, as well as directing guest traffic inside or outside your establishment. Made of a durable aluminum frame with a powder-coated finish, each double-sided sidewalk display easily withstands inclement weather conditions without compromising graphic inserts. This pavement sign with header features a 24" x 36" signage holder on each side that, when paired with eye-catching artwork, will be sure to grab the attention of passersby coming from both directions. Coordinating posters and magnetic topper accessory (sold separately) can be easily swapped out as your advertising needs change over time. This pavement sign with header has a lightweight build and collapsible design that allows it to be easily repositioned or stored away at the end of the day. The snap-edge frames on each outdoor advertising stand use a non-glare clear Lexan lens to protect graphics from harmful inside and outside elements. Draw attention to your storefront with this double-sided sidewalk display that will increase brand awareness and provide maximum visibility of your advertising today!